Shakira and Freshly Ground's "Waka, Waka" has most definitely been the soundtrack to our 2010 Winter Holiday Club! As the holidays draw to a close and the kids get ready to go back to school we can reflect on a wonderful few weeks of football and fun!
For staff, volunteers and children the school holidays come as a welcome break from the school routine. We were treated to an extra long break this time around due to the Soccer World Cup. What a treat it has been hosting the world in our back yard. Some of our children, who participate in a street soccer league, were even invited to watch one of the games live! What a moment in history for these children!
We had some great days and some fantastic field trips, which all help to contribute to the positive memory bank of these children's lives. Some of the activities we did included a visit to the Coca-Cola factory, a mini World Cup tournament, a trip to the ice-rink, a craft and baking day, a talent show, a picnic, a trip to the Drakenstein Lion Park, a special "Girl's Night In" for the older girls and a treasure hunt and game-show day!
We were sadly let down by the police, who promised to run 2 fun days with the children, and provide lunch. The police did not turn up for either of these days and we were left fitting the bill to feed the children and come up with some very last minute activity ideas. All staff and volunteers were extremely flexible and accommodating and in the end we had 2 fantastic days, even though they were a last minute scramble! Sadly this kind of thing does not endear the children or the community to the local police!
On some days we were a little disappointed with the turnout, but looking back I believe that the children who were meant to be there were there. We met 2 children whom I have not seem before in MGV, they came along and loved every moment. Both these girls will be joining in our after school care program next term! Even though Garden Village is a small community, we seem to meet new children and fam
We appreciate your thoughts and prayers are we begin term 3 of 2010!
Did you get to hold a lion cub?
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are flexible - makes all the difference :)
You are not allowed to hold them as many of them come from situations where humans have abused them. They do now want to stress them out by having human contact.