During the first week of the term we were so excited to have Sarah, a former staff member from the USA com

The kids were so excited to start playing field hockey again, we were thrilled that more kids than ever before have signed up to play! Many parents have come to ask me how their kids can get involved. We are so encouraged that children and parents are excited about being involved in sport. We are fortunate to be able to play almost all our matches at home (as transport can be an issue for us), and to have a very supportive local hockey club who is keen to see these kids develop and grow as players and hopefully one day join the club, once they reach high school.
Our Friday afternoon "dance club" for girls is also continuing to grow - these kids are born with a natural rhythm that puts me to shame! They love coming up with their own dances, the older kids often teaching and encouraging the younger ones. I just love seeing these girls working together and helping one another.
During the second week of term we welcomed a visit from Amy, a former volunteer from Florida, USA, who is now teaching English in Korea. Amy came over to South Africa for a week long holiday and spent an afternoon with us. The kids were super excited to see her and soon caught her up on all the local news.
We currently have Sabina, an Austrian volunteer working with us. She will be with us until the beginning of September. Sabina is super helpful and is proving to be a wonderful asset in the classroom and during our after school care program.
We are beginning our staff recruit for our annual camp which will be held in January 2011. We recruit volunteers from all over the world for this incredible camp. It really is TONS of fun and is something that these children genuinely look forward to all year! If you are interested in being part of this incredible ministry, please let me know or go directly to our Camp Sonshine International web page to sign up -www.campsonshineinternational.org
Many blessings to all of you, from all of us at Camp Sonshine Africa!
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